the picture above is a very accurate depiction of the skewed perception of divorce in our society. Sit-com such as "Happily divorced" and "Parenthood" and "Family Matters" all give a warped view of the trials and hardships that come with divorce and step parenting.
Factors that play into Divorce/Predictors
-Limited education
-Underage (18 years and younger)
-Religious beliefs
-Family support
-Social Standing
-Your view of gender roles/family/marriage roles
Process of Family Reformation
-symbolic interaction of relationships
-roles changing with legality
-families have to choose there activeness in certain relationships
-Have conversation/ Anticipate and recognize
-Cleave unto your spouse and leave your parents under-wing
-Affection and connection
-Constant Dating ( the most important 5 hours of your week)
-Don't share marital issues with other, work them out with each other
I thought that it was interesting when discussing with Bro. and Sis. Williams that they had some issues that we had never mentioned when brainstorming possible hardships on a mixed family. For example, losing the faith of a best friend like bro. Williams did. Or lose respect from a mother because your moving away from family with grand babies like sis. williams. I think what I learned more than anythign is that the family is a delicate thin g that has to be regarded as fragile and breakable. I think the Williams handle their obtsicles with great care and poise. And if they had taken a decision that affected others too lightly it could have proven to be detrimental to thier families happiness and development.
6 years ago